We are looking for someone to lead our Youth in a Bible Study group. Please contact the office if you are interested!
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email, the Faith Formation Coordinator at [email protected] or leave a message on the office phone 503-682-2332.(tues,thurs 10am-4pm)
In my recent book “The Logic That God Exists” I endeavor to show that there is reason behind our faith in God and it is by no means just blind faith in something we cannot see. I show this through...
As the Presidential Election in the United States approaches, Catholic voters are called to navigate their choices with both faith and discernment. This is more than just a political decision; it’s a...
Firefighter Leroy McAtee and Captain H. H. Buddy Edwards Incident March 19, AD 1954 Mobile, Alabama The police were making their customary patrol in downtown Mobile on Friday, March 19. The patrol...
How well do you know your favorite Catholic saints and the symbols that represent them? Put your saint knowledge to the test with Catholic-Link’s Saints & Symbols Quiz! Can You Match The Saint To...